Sunday, June 2, 2013

The BEST of both worlds

YES!!!!! They came! 1 package sent from the North Pacific to the Concho Valley.  I had mom send it to Cherie's with intent to not share a single jar & Cherie knowing the content thought the same thing, in  secreting the arrival...but you cant hide such a treasure!

Homemade blackberry jam, hand picked from the lushest Oregon forest. 

NO other jam will do for this little girl. Really, we've had full on melt downs when we use store bought jams fro pb & j. To runout of this heavenly mixture, causes withdrawals. 

Dad's canned salmon. Caught wild, fresh from the ocean. 

Canned tuna. Thanks Papa.

Best of both worlds, handmade goat cheese with roasted tomato, milked from a farm here in the Concho Valley. Always a favorite from our local farmer's market.  

See those Omega 3 oils glistening? I bet I'm the only girl in this whole valley who can combine such succulents. 

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