Tuesday, April 2, 2013


(My grandpa was rough around the edges but I knew his soft sides. 
He had a heart of gold, a soul of steal & worked hard for all he had. 
He had 8 kids too, my daddy is his oldest. 
He loved my grandma Bonnie, I pray my marriage will be as full of love.)

I dreamed of my grandpa last night, my gramps...he passed 2 weeks ago.

I hadn't seen him in over a yr, we lived 1300 miles apart. I was his little girl & he was my gramps. When I got my freedom (aka license) when I lived in California, I would see them as much as possible. I cherish those days, relaxing on the back porch with my grandparents & drinking Dr. Peppers. To this day when I drink one it takes me back... When he did pass, I was overwhelmed with guilt & sadness. I wanted one last visit with him...last night, I got it.

I drifted to sleep, then I dreamed of him & my grandparents little farm house.Each time I went back to sleep I dreamed of my grandparent's house. At one point I was dreaming within my dream. Thats when I saw him. My grandpa, younger than I had ever seen him, with a blue pearl snap & his eyes were gleaming beautiful blue. I told him,

"I wish I could have seen you one last time."

He hugged me & said,

"It's ok babe."

I looked up dreaming within a dream, this is what it read;

"To dream you are having a dream indicates more awareness in the dream state. When you become aware that you are dreaming, you can take control and ask any question you want." 

I looked up the color blue, which represents spirituality.

It was so real I could smell him. I got to hear him, feel him & see him. I feel at peace. Who knows what dreams are, or if they mean a thing. I've never fallen back asleep & continually re-dreamed the same subject. Last night gave me peace. I got to see my gramps.

(Here is my grandpa fishing at Folsom Lake. 
It's grown so much there, Folsom California, but he stayed country & didn't sell out to million dollar offers. 
His little farm is surrounded my mansions.)

(My dad is placing a flower on his grave. He had full military honors.)

If you are interested in dreams, here is the book I use to decipher them;

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